Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Thanks for visiting—and, Welcome to Century Conquests’ Blog, here, at Blogger!

 It puts forth its vision of, and Mission in the world in which it exists.

 That, Century Conquests quests are, simply, to conquer, circularly, and un-colorfully, and even colorfully, certain realms. To do so, by applying, absolutely, its “own” artistic, and creative, or imaginative philosophy of life and the methodology by which such life is lived: or, heard; seen; smelt; touched; flavored. In the realms of entertainment; education; art; designs; and so forth; starting, right, with its presentation of circularly colorful books; which rest upon a roundly recurrent theme; whose subject almost always explore such realms or some of life’s biggest dichotomies: lightness and darkness; prettiness and ugliness; rightness and wrongness; goodness and badness—or, joy and sorrow, and the like; which offer some very colorful reading experiences and some artistically colorful artwork…. Enjoy…!
 Century Conquests’ Cover Graphics © 2011; 2012; 2013
Century Conquests’ Pictures; Photographs; Artwork © 2012; 2013
Century Conquests’ Books © 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013
Century Conquests ® 2012
 Visit soon, too, other social media sites….

This Blog was conceived by Century Conquests 2014